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Woman seriously hurt in Sat. evening crash

10/29 12:39West Plains Daily Quill

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A Pottersville woman was seriously injured in a crash at 6:26 p.m. Saturday on U.S. 160 five miles east of West Plains, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
Tpr. J.M. Heimsoth, Troop G of the patrol, Willow Springs, reported Abbey E. Kimbrough, 20, Pottersville, was driving west in her 2012 Kia Soul when her vehicle traveled off the right side of the road, struck a ditch and began to overturn. According to the report, as the car rolled, it traveled across the road, went into a ditch and struck a tree, causing Kimbrough to be thrown from the vehicle.
The report shows Kimbrough did not wear a seat belt; she was taken by ambulance to Cox South Medical in Springfield. No condition report is available.
Tpr. Heimsoth was assisted at the scene by Msgt. S.L. Nelson.
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